Rachel Stagner

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Back in Oregon

Recently, I spent few days in Oregon at the Oregon Science Teacher’s Association (OSTA) 2018 Conference. We had over 265 people sign up, which was a great turnout. If you’re an Oregon Teacher and you’re not a member of the organization, I highly encourage you join! The more member support we get, the better the resources, conferences, and PD we can provide. It’s only $25 a year, and the sign up is here. Also, if you’re a pre-service teacher, the membership is free! Check with your college advisor for the code.

I ran a session on a social justice themed unit centered around Radon and Hanford as phenomena to engage students in a nuclear chemistry. It seemed to be well received. Here’s a link to the resources, if anyone would like them. The rest of the conference I spent learning about how to engage students in wave properties and sound by building their own musical instruments, how to use OSU resources to help students combat questionable sources in science, and building robots with NASA to help students learn coding.

Overall, It was wonderful being back in Oregon, and the weather was amazing for October. Just perfect. As usual, click to access a larger gallery of photos: