AAAS Science Diplomacy 2018
Yesterday i went to the AAAS Science Diplomacy 2018 Conference at AAAS headquarters. It was a little strange—I felt a little out of place. It was a great learning experience, but the crowd leaned more toward the policy/diplomat side of the scale and less towards the science side. I’m glad I went though. One session I really enjoyed was titled, “Mega-Science = Mega Diplomacy.” It featured some pretty heavy hitters, including a Nobel Prize laureate, Barry Barish. Check out who was on the panel:
Conny Arvis | Director, Office of Science and Technology Cooperation, U.S. Department of State
Barry Barish | Emeritus Professor of Physics, California Institute of Technology/ LIGO
Nigel Lockyer | Director, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, LBNF/DUNE
Charlotte Warakaulle | Director for International Relations, CERN
Saul Gonzalez Martirena | Senior Advisor, Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Sciences, National Science Foundation
It was another “holy crap, I’m in the room with who??” kind of moments which seem to be coming fast and furious the past two weeks (only two weeks)!
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